See what we’ve been up to and learn more about the thinking behind our work.
“Secondary Patent Market: Buyers, Sellers, Pricing, and Trends.” Oliver. Bucks County Bar Association (April 2018)
A presentation on the secondary market for patents, buying, selling, pricing, what lawyers need to know to establish a program, and what are the chances of winning with bought patents.
“The Patent Markets.” Richardson et. al. Advanced Patent Law Institute 2017 (December 2017)
This panel will discuss the current state of the secondary patent market, who’s buying, who’s selling, and at what price? It will look at what happens to patents after a sale, including the chance of winning on a bought patent. It will examine both standalone sales and the relatively invisible marketplace in which patents contribute significant value to a deal, including M&As, technology spinouts, JVs, tech-transfers, and exclusive field-of-use licenses.
“Secondary Patent Market: Buyers, Sellers, Pricing, and Trends.” Richardson. LES Annual Meeting 2017 (October 2017)
Mr. Richardson will present findings and projections on the brokered and secondary patent market including who is buying/selling patents, how much are they are paying, what technologies are hot, and what are the trends.
“What Can We Predict from Five Years of Secondary Patent Sales?” Richardson et. al. IAM Market Webinar (June 2017)
In this collaboration with IAM, ROL Group looks into the likely trends of patents within the next five years. Our consensus? A stable market with a greater shift towards operating companies and smaller, faster patent transactions.
“Secondary Patent Market: Buyers, Sellers, Pricing and Trends.” Richardson. Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association (May 2017)
Mr. Richardson presents findings and projections on the brokered and secondary patent market including who is buying/selling patents, how much are they are paying, what technologies are hot, and what are the trends.
“Secondary Patent Market: Buyers, Sellers, Pricing, and Trends.” Richardson. NGB IP Research Institute (May 2017)
Mr. Richardson presents findings and projections on the brokered and secondary patent market including who is buying/selling patents, how much are they are paying, what technologies are hot, and what are the trends.
“Doing Patent Deals: Key Issues in a Challenging Environment.” Richardson. PLI - IP Monetization and Investment 2017 (April 2017)
ROL Group has compiled its data on the brokered patent market to help give a better understanding to associated risks of patents. We look at litigation, overall market trends and more to help you make informed decisions when buying or selling.
“2016 Patent Market Report: Patent Brokers and Patent Packages.” Richardson et. al. IPWatchdog (April 2017)
2016 saw a significant rise in both the number of patent brokers and patent packages. Though the frequency of package sizes is similar to 2015, there is a remarkable increase in single-asset packages in 2016, and we continue to see a trend of the market favoring smaller packages due to their marketability.
“2016 Patent Market Report: Overview.” Richardson et. al. IPWatchdog (April 2017)
While 2016 may have seemed like a tough year for the patent market – with dropping sales, decreasing prices, and the effects of Alice continuing to take its toll on fintech – there are also many new opportunities emerging.
“LES Silicon Valley - Patent Market Overview.” Richardson. LES - Silicon Valley Chapter (March 2017)
Review of current trends in the 2017 patent market, and who and what should you expect to see buying and selling IP.
“How and Why LinkedIn Learned to Love Patents.” Harrington et. al. IAM Magazine Issue 82 (March 2017)
LinkedIn was a big brand name with a small patent portfolio – a combination that made it vulnerable to a patent attack. In 2012 the LinkedIn decided to do something about it.
“The 2015 Brokered Patent Market: A Good Year to Be a Buyer.” Richardson et. al. IPWatchdog (February 2016)
In many ways, the patent market is where the rubber meets the road in terms whether patents are valuable. It is the place where individual patents are assigned a price and also where companies often go for business solutions to patent challenges. We believe that shedding light on this market brings greater liquidity to patents as business assets, and brings all inventors and patent professionals more mindshare with business leaders.
“The Brokered Patent Market in 2015 – Driving Off a Cliff or Just a Detour.” Richardson et. al. IAM Magazine (January 2016)
Asking prices are down, but the patent brokerage business is not in as poor health as it may first appear – especially for a select handful of players.
“The Brokered Patent Market in 2014.” Richardson et. al. IAM Magazine (January 2015)
Every year, we carefully track the brokered patent packages for sale on the open market and provide insights into the comprehensive state of the market and how it is changing. 2014 has seen prices drop and the deal flow slow down but what does it mean for the future of the market?
The Brokered Patent Market in 2013
"In the next issue of IAM we will be publishing an article by Kent Richardson and Erik Oliver, of ROL Group, which looks at 186 patent packages – consisting of a total of 5,394 issued US patents and 7,595 total patent assets worldwide – offered by brokers and other sellers over the past three years.
“The Brokered Patent Market in 2013.” Richardson et. al. IAM Magazine (January 2014)
While the brokered patent market in the United States is going strong, there is still little analysis of this business. Our review of 222 deals offers insight into what is becoming a lucrative market. Here, we present our analysis of the brokered patent market in 2013.
Turning the Spotlight on the Brokered Patent Market
We look at 186 patent sales packages – consisting of a total of 5,394 issued US patents and 7,595 total patent assets worldwide – offered by brokers and other sellers over the past three years. Analysis includes average asking prices ($344K per asset), time to close is about 180 days, and 16% actually sell.
“Turning the Spotlight on the Brokered Patent Market.” Richardson et. al. IAM Magazine (January 2013)
Although sales of brokered patent packages reach an estimated $153 million a year, lack of data makes this a tricky market to evaluate. We attempt to illuminate this information void with our review of 186 patent packages consisting of a total of 5,394 issued US patents and 7,595 total patent assets worldwide.
“IP Driven M&A – Diligence.” Chan et. al. PLI M&A Driven IP - Patent Diligence (March 2012)
How can you be sure you are conducting proper diligence on IP assets when evaluating large patent portfolios during a potential merger & acquisition? Kent Richardson presents with several other IP experts as to how to conduct and budget diligence regardless of asset number, patent families or tech landscapes.
“The Patent Transactions Market at a Crossroads.” Richardson et. al. IAM Magazine (March 2009)
We interviewed leading IP executives across the high tech industry as well as clients, colleagues and even competitors to provide you with valuable insights into the future of the patent market. Our conclusion: there has never been a better time to acquire high-quality patents at low prices.