2015 Brokered Patent Market

Our analysis of the patent market is now available in the January/February (issue #75) of IAM Magazine. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Asking prices are down ~$50K, but not by as much as you would have thought.

  • The Alice decision has killed the sales rates (the percentage of packages sold) for business processes patents but has had much less of an effect on software patents.

  • Patents with EOUs (light claim charts) have higher asking prices (+$50K) and selling rates.

  • We sized the market at about $230M in closed patent transactions.

Additionally, we show the total asking price of deals we track has grown over time to almost $7B. The graph below includes both brokered and private deals in our database of over 2200 patent packages with over 64,000 patent assets.

Our 2015 Brokered Market Report is available for free download here.


“Patent Market 2015 – Buyers, Sellers & What Are They Paying?” Richardson et. al. AST (November 2015)


Patent Return on Investment: The Strategic Counter-Assertion Model